Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


Dear Comrades alumni,

We intend to invite his friends all at the meeting of Senior High School Alumni OVJ whole force on

Day: Sunday, March 19, 2011
Hours: 10.00 am
Venue: Pavilion Central Java Jakarta Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Event: silaturrahmi Alumni

The event is free, but for purposes of consumption and admission TMII on responsibility by each invitation.

We strongly expect the presence and active role comrades all to forward this information to all Alumni SMU Negeri good OVJ media melauli email, sms, telephone, blogs, myspace and others for the implementation of these activities.

For further information please contact Sule 021123456

Thank you.
1. flat rate :
a. pokok pinjaman = 12,000 =2.000.000
b. bunga perbulan = 15% x 12.000.000 = 300.000
periode spp pp bunga perbulan angsuran (pp+bp)
1 12 2 jt 300 2,3
2 10 2 jt 300 2,3
3 8 2 jt 300 2,3
4 6 2 jt 300 2,3
5 4 2 jt 300 2,3
6 2 2 jt 300 2,3
12 1,8 jt 13,8
sliding rate :
periode spp pp bunga perbulan angsuran (pp+bp)
1 12 2 jt 15% x 12 jt = 300.000 2.300.000
2 10 2 jt 15% x 10 jt = 250.000 2.250.000
3 8 2 jt 15% x 8 jt = 200.000 2.200.000
4 6 2 jt 15% x 6 jt = 150.000 2.150.000
5 4 2 jt 15% x 4 jt = 100.000 2.100.000
6 2 2 jt 15% x 2 jt = 50.000 2.050.000

2. flat rate :
a. pokok pinjaman = 90.000.000 = 7.500.000
b. bunga perbulan = 24% x 90.000.000 = 1.800.000
periode spp pp bunga perbulan angsuran (pp+bp)
1 90 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
2 82,5 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
3 75 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
4 67,5 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
5 60 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
6 52,5 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
7 45 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
8 37,5 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
9 30 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
10 22,5 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
11 15 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
12 7,5 7,5 1,8 jt 9,3 jt
90 21,6 111,6
sliding rate :
periode spp pp bunga perbulan angsuran (pp+bp)
1 90 7,5 24% x 90 jt = 1.800.000 9.300.000
2 82,5 7,5 24% x 82,5 jt = 1.650.000 9.150.000
3 75 7,5 24% x 75 jt = 1.500.000 9.000.000
4 67,5 7,5 24% x 67,5 jt = 1.350.000 8.850.000
5 60 7,5 24% x 60 jt = 1.200.000 8.700.000
6 52,5 7,5 24% x 52,5 jt = 1.050.000 8.550.000
7 45 7,5 24% x 45 jt = 900.000 8.400.000
8 37,5 7,5 24% x 37,5 jt = 750.000 8.250.000
9 30 7,5 24% x 30 jt = 600.000 8.100.000
10 22,5 7,5 24% x 22,5 jt = 450.000 7.950.000
11 15 7,5 24% x 15 jt = 300.000 7.800.000
12 7,5 7,5 24% x 7,5 jt = 150.000 7.650.000

Exercise 34 (Page 124)

1. So
2. Such
3. So
4. Such
5. So
6. So
7. Such
8. So
9. Such
10. Such
11. So
12. So
13. Such
14. So
15. So

Exercise 33 (Page 121)

1. Because
2. Because
3. Because of
4. Because
5. Because of
6. Because of
7. Because of
8. Because
9. Because
10. Because of